Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Buddhism and Its Art"

"Buddah Preaching"
From Sarnath 465-85 C.E.
Height- 5'3"
Lacation- Archaeological Museum, Sarnath

     Starting around 800 B.C. in northern India, in the 6th century the Arayan ways of religion became very difficult.  So, because of the differences in the way the religion should be practiced grew a new path to form a spiritual realm which followed a great leader. This leader was named Siddhartha Gautama, which later became known as Buddha.  Buddha was born in Nepal, he lived from 563-483 B.C.  Buddha believed that all beings, even gods and demons are condemned for many lives, unless they can break free of that cycle.
                 He thought that all man was attached to desire, and his solution was to see through that illusion and be introduced to a new way of opening ones mind to the nature of the world, to be able to break free from ourselves and the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.  After he died, his cremated body was spread among eight memorial stupas.  Which is a solid earthen mound faced with stone.  Present day there are several followers of Buddhism.